Cock Riding Wife HD

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There are 10 comments on the topic:"Cock Riding Wife"

(OH DAMN @ Mars 7 years ago):

I want to fuck this guy so much. He has a really nice body and really good dick.
This white shit doesn't know how to ride that fucking tasty cock.

(Haha @ Mars 7 years ago):

Can't ride dick for shit. FOH!!!

(You @ Mars 7 years ago):

Ahe sucks at sucking

(Fail @ Mars 7 years ago):

A lackluster performance by the prostitute.

(Small weenie @ Mars 7 years ago):

On this negro

(Whatdahell @ Mars 7 years ago):


(Morkol Orcinus @ Netherlands 2 years ago):

One indeed can not escape the impression, that this... young lady is not totally averse to the propects of encountering a negro man in adam's costume. Might this come to be - it will be in spite of her so reticent (although admittedly quite engaging as well), naturel. For example, let's say on an out-of-control safari in Serengeti.

(Current black guy @ Mars 7 years ago):

I shot a cop once, for fun.

(alessandro @ Italy 2 years ago):

l importante e che il cazzo in questione sia nero poi le corna che riceve il marito sara un problema suo

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