Girl Kicked While Pissing HD

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There are 18 comments on the topic:"Girl Kicked While Pissing"

(yodaddy @ Mars 10 years ago):

Fucking foreign cunts !! I cant believe that old twat booted her up the arse. She was only trying to clean the fucking stinky street up!!

(lolz @ Mars 11 years ago):

Bad bitch! No birch!!

(Lol @ Mars 12 years ago):

Hooray for granpa!!

(bokamus prime @ Mars 9 years ago):

The height of intelligence on display here :P

(Lion @ Mars 10 years ago):

Haha she is taking the piss

(Mad world @ Mars 10 years ago):

Lol what a looney she must not be well

(ed from jersey @ Mars 11 years ago):

any body knows what country this is holy crap how much freedom can you have.

(robertteuma @ Mars 12 years ago):

Dumb Bitch!

(jecxsx @ Mars 12 years ago):

very very stupid biitch

(jec c @ Mars 12 years ago):

very very stupid

(Johnny @ Mars 12 years ago):

Skank cunt, there could be kids nearby!!!

(ghhhhhhhh @ Mars 12 years ago):

i don understand why she was doing this

(aaaaaaaaaaaa @ Mars 12 years ago):

stupid Bitch

(sssssss @ Mars 12 years ago):

this is called : "REAL BLOND"

(xzxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @ Mars 12 years ago):

LOL very good old man

(dude @ Mars 12 years ago):

LoooooooL he was gonna go at it the second time. the camera guy stopped filming. would have been bad!!!

(moment @ Mars 12 years ago):

it takes a moment to human becoming animal

(elk @ Mars 12 years ago):

Serves her right, There is nothing clever or impressive about acting like scum. She has no self respect and none for other people.

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