Goddess Kiffa Mistress Lauren And Mr Pine - HD

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There are 5 comments on the topic:"Goddess Kiffa Mistress Lauren And Mr Pine -"

(My bame is Pete @ USA 1 year ago):

And I'm slow on my feet.

It was a joke huh? Listen everyone my brother's name is Michael and he once worked for my uncle Pete. I will remember you Michael as the guy who decided to get me back for what I did and what I did was weak because all I did was stand there on my feet-frozen stiff because of all this heat

(I don't lie I'm a gay guy @ USA 1 year ago):

You are a great guy but you spy and lie and my brother dieed so I reply with making him multiply take a look up in the sky and thank The lord for all the blessings bestowed you but that very nice black guy.
and don't anyone want to have fun. You are blessed by the black sword if you continue

(Chainsaw @ USA 1 year ago):

Joe I know your a slob because I don't have a job and I live by myself so you thought my house would be easy to Rob. Wait Your not a slob and I thank you for your wad and I always looked upon you as if you were a God. I love all of you and now today we go to work. Instructions to follow and we all work together

(Joe @ USA 1 year ago):

Listen up and listen good- Mario and Luigi are dead because I decided to stay home and jerk off instead. You might have got into my head, but you rather go to a hotel and pimp your wife instead. If I put an antenna on your roof and found it to be a spoof but in the long of it all I'm the one who listens to all your calls maybe I should have gotten a uhaul and went for it all but my name is Paul and I got fucked in the hall so when I am in my garage and I dress like a girl I might be

(Itookdrugssoyoudidn'thaveto @ USA 1 year ago):

Raymond m. I enjoyed your book-but I didn't lie to you but I didn't understand the path you took. Soon I will buy your book I hope you have a window up in your nook. I am going to buy your book and give it another look and I'm sorry that it took this long for me to understand a crook. You are a smart guy please don't go back to be that old guy and if you do what I say one day you will fly

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