The Cheerleaders 1973 With Stephanie Fondue, Denise Dillaway, Jovita Bush, Brandy Woods, Clair Dia, Kimberly Hyde Full Movie HD

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01 h 22 min 31 s

This video is going viral on Tube right now and everyone is excited about it: A group of cheerleaders from the local decide to show their school spirit for their football team by sleeping with the opponents the night before the game so that they can be so worn out the opposition won't be able to play. The Cheerleaders 1973 with Stephanie Fondue, Denise Dillaway, Jovita Bush, Brandy Woods, Clair Dia, Kimberly Hyde FULL MOVIE

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There are 14 comments on the topic:"The Cheerleaders 1973 With Stephanie Fondue, Denise Dillaway, Jovita Bush, Brandy Woods, Clair Dia, Kimberly Hyde Full Movie"

(chip @ Canada 4 years ago):

They should do a remake of this where cheerleaders from BOTH schools fuck the other football team to exhaustion... and then the football game is TERRIBLE.

(Anonymous @ USA 4 years ago):

this was good

(0434 @ USA 3 years ago):

back when girls were actually cute. and not fat bitches and trannys

(Wtf @ Belgium 5 years ago):

This movie has a vibe that kills the mood, soft.

(chip @ Canada 4 years ago):

timestamps for hot sex??? :P

(cumlauncher67 @ USA 4 years ago):

Back when your average woman was hot, no whales, traps, or pan fuckers

(Anonymous @ Albania 5 months ago):

too bad it's softcore

(Allahu Akbarr @ France 1 year ago):

Back when not everybody was fat like a pig in USA

(Nava Pa Yt @ Mexico 3 years ago):

A watafack amigo vos estás re loco xd

(UN POETA CON EL CORAZON ROTO @ Mexico 2 years ago):

Y aunque ya estés con otro mi corazón no dejará de latir por ti mi mente no dejará de pensar en ti y yo quisiera verte feliz con el y no verte aburrida con migo.

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